Local clubs and social groups in and around the Umborne Valley.
Axe Valley Pedallers
You don’t need to wear lyrca or ride the latest speed machine to join us on for a ride. If you are keen cyclist we have something for you too.
Axe Valley Runners
We used to be “the little club with the big feets” but we’re not so little now, having a hundred-odd members … some of them very odd!
Colyton Rainbow
1st Colyton Rainbow Guides. Youngest members of the Guide Association for girls aged 5-7 years. Contact: Mrs. K Budden. Telephone: 01297 552624.
Colyton Scouts
Beavers for ages 6 to 8 years. Cubs for ages 8 to 10 1/2 years. Scouts for ages 10 1/2 to 14 years. Explorer Scouts for ages 14 to 18 years. Contact: Mr. Kevin Taylor, Telephone: 01297 553208.
Umborne Ladies
A wonderful social group for the ladies of the valley and beyond.
Rick Wood