
Information about and for the trustees.

The Trustees essentially run and look after the Umborne Hall. They are responsible for Hall finances, maintenance, safety, bookings and the like. In addition to looking after the Hall, and with the help of the wider community, the trustees also organise a number of annual community events. Every year (normally in the winter) there is an AGM which frequently involves the appointment of new trustees as other trustees stand down. If you are interested in becoming a trustee then please have a chat with any of the existing trustees or contact us for further details.

The Trustees: Rob Summers (chairman), Lorna Ockenden (secretary), Paul Galloway (treasurer), Liz Gosling, Sue Gush, Eleanor Wood, Janet Coman, Teresa Wilmington-Wills, Lynne Craig,Kimmo Evans, John Pearce, Peter Rugg, Neville Cheeseman.